Hi, I’m Lance and this is where I detail my woodworking endeavours.
I’m not a professional, nor do I claim to hold any profound insights about woodworking. This is my hobby and I’m learning as I go. Whilst this site is primarily for me, to log my journey, if you find something useful, I’m happy to share what I can.
I live at the bottom of the island state of Tasmania, where the air is crisp, the water is clear and the mountains are everywhere.
Contacting me
Feel free to email me at lancesworkshop@conryclan.com. Whilst I’m happy to provide what information and help I can, I would encourage you to sign up to The Woodworking Forums, where there are a host of incredibly knowledgeable and friendly people eager to share their expertise.
All opinions stated in this website are my own. I receive no compensation, financial or otherwise based on any content herein.