A close friend of one of our children, who became somewhat of a surrogate daughter, and a rather cheeky one at that, got married. As has become somewhat of a tradition for us, we decided to make a small piece of furniture for the couple to celebrate their wedding.
As it would need to travel 2,500 km, including an ocean crossing, we opted for something smallish: another wall cabinet. I have grown somewhat bored with exposed dovetails, so chose to combine two previous projects. The hanging wall cabinet concept, but with the top, bottom and shelf of the hanging wall shelf. As it would be required to support a little extra weight with the greater depth and weightier door, over the shelf, the top and bottom’s housed dados were replaced with sliding dovetails.
As one half of the couple was from Queensland, and the other Tasmania, we made the floating kumiko panel in the centre of the door with two timbers, each found naturally in their respective states only, Cardwellia and Huon Pine. The case was made with Tasmanian Oak, a generic eucalypt certainly not restricted to Tasmania, despite the name.
The door is made with acrylic. Whilst I would prefer to use glass, it’s quite expensive to have square holes cut, and really, if care is taken during the build process, good quality acrylic is crystal clear.

The cabinet’s solid brass minaret hinges and the magnetic door pull finish it off with some understated points of interest.
Once again, I was really pleased with the result. I do enjoy these team projects where Maja and I work on the project together. Perhaps the piece was imbued with some of our happy marriage vibes during the build process, ready to perfume the atmosphere of its new home.
November 2022
That’s beautiful, Lance! You’re making some lovely pieces. Have to catch up soon!
Adam from down the road 😉
Thanks Adam 🙂